

How do I create an online account?

Supergooal online betting account can be created in the option Registration.

How do I login to my account?

In order to login, you need a username and a password

Can I have several Supergooal accounts on the site?

There is no option of multiple registration of users.

Do I have to enter my personal data during the registration?

The account is created based on personal data from identification documents.

Where can I see the current balance of my Supergooal account?

There are two accounts within your online account: Bonus and Cash.

Does it matter if I use lowercase or capital letters for username and password?

The way you entered your username and password for the first time, in registration, regarding lowercase or capital letters, shall be the only valid way for each login attempt you make on Supergooal site.

What is the Account Number and where can I see my Supergooal Account Number?

You received your account number in an e-mail upon registration.

Where can I see data on my Supergooal account?

All data related to your online account can be found in the My Account option.

Where can I see the tickets played?

All your tickets played can be seen within the My Account option, in the Ticket Review sub-option on the left.

What do I do if I have forgotten my password?

Password? option is under the login field in the upper right corner of the web site.

Where can I change my current password?

After login, your current password can be changed in My Account in the Change Password sub-option on the left side.